
Common Concerns in Pregnancy

Worrying is a normal part of pregnancy. Here, we'll explain what symptoms should be reported to your doctor immediately!

Remember, there are no stupid questions and every concern that you have in pregnancy is a valid concern that should be discussed with your doctor!

Here is a quick list of symptoms that should be reported to your doctor:

Vaginal Bleeding
Although common, this should be reported to your doctor as soon as the symptom arises.
Moderate to Severe Abdominal or Back Pain
While abdominal pain in pregnancy is very normal - your uterus is stretching, your ligaments and muscles are stretching, and your hormones are running ramped - severe abdominal pain or back pain should be reported to your doctor as they could be signs of something serious.
Lack of Fetal or Baby Movement
Any reduction or lack of movement in your baby that lasts longer than 12 hours should be reported to your doctor as it could mean complications with the baby.
Drastic or Sudden Swelling
In pregnancy, it is normal to experience moderate swelling in your feet and ankles because of water and fluid retention - not to mention your poor feet are supporting a lot of extra weight that they aren't used to.

Sudden swelling of the feet as well as the face is a warning sign of pre-eclampsia, which can effect 7% of pregnant women.

Blurred vision or Seeing Spots
Blurred vision and/or seeing spots can be a sign of high blood pressure - usually an indication of pre-clampsia or an ectopic pregnancy.
Faintness and/or Dizziness
During pregnancy, our blood volume increases and our hearts work overtime. This can cause the occasional dizziness or faintness, which will commonly occur after standing up from a laying down or seated position.

Faintness or dizziness that lasts for a long period of time or that comes and goes without changing positions can be a warning sign of other complications, such as low blood pressure or an ectopic pregnancy.

Fever of More Than 101 Degrees
If you experience a fever of 102 degrees (Fahrenheit) or more, you should contact your doctor immediately. A low-grade fever (100-101 degrees Fahrenheit) that lasts longer than 12 hours should be reported to your doctor.
Pain or Burning Sensation During Urination
Pain and burning during urination can be the result of multiple things. The most common cause is a urinary tract infection or a bladder infection; however, there are more severe complications that can cause this symptom.
Severe Vomiting
Morning sickness can cause severe vomiting. If you have severe vomiting that is preventing you from eating or drinking for longer than 12 hours, contact your doctor immediately. Throwing up often can dehydrate you very quickly. Throwing up once a day is not a cause for concern, regardless of what trimester you are in.

Sever vomiting can also be caused by infections, viruses, and other illnesses.

If you are vomiting more than once a day and your nausea does not die down, you could be suffering from hyperemesis gravidarium; however, morning sickness can start out very severe and ease up by the second trimester.

As your skin stretches and your body reacts to hormones, you can experience itching.

Severe itchiness that is mainly effecting the palms of you hands and soles of your feet should be reported to your doctor, especially if it is accompanied by pale stools and dark urine.

Severe itchiness can be a sign of Obstetric Cholestasis.

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